

Mandatory Usage Bullet Seals for All Import Laden Containers to Bangladesh

Dear Valued Customer,

With reference to the Circular: 17/2021 dated 27-Oct-2021, please be informed that Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) has urged to stop using plastic/metallic seals and advise ‘Bullet Seal’ are to be used from the Port of Origin in all import-laden containers to be handled through Port of Chittagong. In the same circular, CPA has also specified their stance of refusing the discharge of any import-laden containers found without Bullet Seal affixed. Hence, we request all our customers to inform your valued exporter/shippers/booking agents to comply with this instruction and mandatorily attach Bullet Seal to the containers. For more information Here.

ONE shall not be liable for any non-delivery if discharging of your non-bullet sealed container is rejected by CPA.  All additional costs, including seal replacement cost, freight for the return leg, will be chargeable if the container must remain on board the vessel and be returned to the port of origin.

For any queries, please reach out to our local offices at the port of loading. We appreciate your kind understanding and support to comply with the above policy. 

Best Regards

Ocean Network Express Pte. Ltd.